Why does cold weather hurt your teeth

Why does cold weather hurt your teeth?

By Dr. Nasar Abdul Wadood in Chief Doctor, Align Dental Care

September 29th, 2021

Do your feel sensitivity and sharp pain in your teeth during winter days? Don’t worry. You are not alone. Similar to cough, common cold, flu, toothache is also associated with cold weather for few people. Dentists refer this condition as “Winter toothache”. We are going to discuss this here.

Normally, our teeth are acquainted with the body temperature. Similarly, the teeth are used to familiar with warm body temperatures mostly. So when the body is exposed to excessively cold weather or freezing temperature, it triggers acute pain in the teeth and exists in the initial days of winter. If the dental pain lasts longer, the cold toothache may be triggered by various factors like toothache.

What makes the cold season hurt your teeth?

The cold weather is powerful to expand and contract the teeth due to which the fissures on enamel happen. In essence, the temperature swings will cause cracks over the hard, outer layer of teeth thereby exposing the soft & sensitive layers.

When the layers underneath the enamel are exposed to any foreign objects, they stimulate a sharp pain in teeth. If you have any underlying oral problems, they integrate with the cold weather and increase the severity of pain. Here are the possible aspects:

  • Tooth decay
  • Gum diseases
  • Damaged dental restorations
  • Damaged dental fillings

On the other hand, frequent intake of foods and drinks that are high in acidic content such as soda, tea, coffee also expose the sensitive layers of a tooth. Similarly, habits like teeth grinding and clenching also cause abrasions in enamel followed by uncovering the underneath layers and take advantage of the freezing temperature to increase the severity of pain in teeth.

What should you do to cope with such cold tooth pain?

A timely dental check-up is essential if you notice chronic pain in teeth at the time of temperature swings. Once the dental doctor identifies the root cause that intensifies the seasoned toothache, it can be rectified with appropriate oral care solutions.

On the other hand, you also take care of adjusting your ways to get rid of the dental discomfort. Here are the important things you should consider:

  • Breath the cold air through your nose – It will prevent the coldness in the air touch your teeth.
  • Use fluoridated toothpaste
  • Wear mouthguards to protect your enamel from the consequences of teeth grinding.
  • Take care of your sinuses

To know more about this condition and tips to overcome it, contact our dentists in dehiwala here.

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