Why do some people have bad breath in the morning?
Morning breath is the most adverse side effect of our sleep. The biggest reason for this problem is a decrease in saliva production while you sleep. Less production of saliva creates a situation for multiplying more bacteria in your mouth.
When you open your mouth or snore while sleeping, it easily becomes drier. Dry mouth struggles to fight against smelly bacteria. Sleeping in a back position enables more snoring, that is why it is recommended to sleep in the correct position to fight against morning breath.
There are so many reasons like this for the occurrence of morning breath, but the major reasons are poor oral hygiene and dry mouth.
Dry mouth
If a person who suffers from bad breath still after maintaining good oral hygiene, then the main reason for that is dry mouth. The secretion of saliva is the main reason for the reduction of bacteria in our mouth. As said above, if we sleep, saliva production will be less, which causes bad breath. Some of the medicines also cause dry mouth, which makes morning breath worse.
Poor dental hygiene
Our mouth is the best place for bacteria to breed. If you are not flossing or brushing properly, food particles get easily stuck in between the teeth, or in tongue surface, or along the gum tissue.
Due to the breakdown of these food particles, bad breath is released in the morning time.
If you have any periodontal problem, remember, morning breath is a sign of that. Poor oral hygiene is a reason for that which should need dental treatment.
Foods that you eat
Do you know certain food that you eat in the evening can cause bad breath in the morning? Yes, Even if you brush well, foods that are strong in smelling such as raw onions or garlic can results in bad breath on the next day.
People who have GERD (Gastrointestinal reflux) or acid reflux always experience bad breath. It occurs when the acid in their stomach returns back through the oesophagus while they sleep at night.
The use of tobacco and smoking habit is one of the major causes of both general bad breath and morning bad breath. Smoking causes dryness in your mouth and creates more risk of getting gum disease. You already know, smoking is injurious to overall health. Keep it in mind and reduce or stop the habit.
Neglecting dental check-ups
While brushing and flossing regularly keeps your oral hygiene in a great way, additionally, it is recommended to visit a dentist twice a year to examine your mouth. Proper oral cleaning keeps your oral hygiene in a better way.
Quick tips to overcome these problems
Brush and floss regularly
Rinse your mouth after each meal
Chew sugarless gum to produce more saliva
Eat more green leafy vegetables
Keep your body hydrated
Stop smoking
If the problem still continues even after following these quick tips, contact us or book an appointment with us.