What are the advantages of getting early orthodontic treatments?
Orthodontic treatments tend to improve the teeth alignment. The orthodontic teeth movement helps enhance the teeth functionality as well as boosting the smile aesthetics. Mostly, people get teeth straightening treatments in their late teens or adolescence whereas dentists recommend getting dental braces in the age range between 10 to 15 is more beneficial. This is because the mouth and teeth of individuals in this age range are still growing so that the teeth are easier to align.
Likewise, dental doctors recommend an approach called “Early Orthodontics” in which beginning the teeth straightening treatments at age 7. This early intervention in aligning the child’s teeth will be more straightforward and require less time to complete due to softer tissue, soft & developing jawbone.
Dentists recommend early orthodontic treatments for the benefits they provide. Our Orthodontists have listed them here.
1) Guides adult teeth
The baby teeth provide the foundation for adult permanent teeth. The permanent teeth erupt through the space left by the milk teeth. When the room for each teeth gets aligned with braces, the chances are less for the teeth to become crooked or crowded. Thereby, you can effectively prevent the side effects of teeth misalignment.
2) Reduce the risk of tooth decay
Unlike straight teeth, brushing and flossing are quite difficult for people with crooked teeth. As the teeth are crowded together, the toothbrush bristles, flossing wire cannot effectively clean the teeth surfaces and spaces between the teeth.
So people of all age range with misaligned teeth will maintain poor oral hygiene despite utilizing high-quality teeth cleaning agents and appliances.
It will be a great thing to prevent teeth misalignment even before the eruption of teeth. Right? Early orthodontic treatments help you to achieve this.
3) Prevent front teeth protrusions & crossbites
Protruding teeth and crossbites are the common problems associated with teeth misalignment. They have many deteriorating effects on your oral health such as crossbites will lead to many jaw problems when the jawbone grows. Similarly, teeth protrusions will injure the adjacent oral tissues.
Wearing dental braces when the teeth and jaw bone are still developing will accommodate the room for each teeth and avert these ill effects.
4) Prevents Speech difficulties
Improper teeth and jaw alignment are also a factor behind speech difficulty problems. Dental doctors reveal that kids with crowded teeth have high chances of developing problems such as lisping, slurring, difficulty in pronouncing certain letters.
However, speech therapy, muscle strengthening exercises along certain clinical treatments fix such speech disorders. Straightening the teeth will also aid in preventing and addressing those speech difficulties to a great extent.
5) Reduces teeth grinding
Dental misalignment will affect the alignment of your jaw. It leads to applying extensive pressure on the jaw bone while biting, chewing, and even speaking. Besides this, unaligned jaw makes the sufferers develop the habit of clenching, grinding teeth or sleep bruxism that is linked to various disastrous after-effects like TMJ disorders, etc.
When the teeth misalignment is diagnosed before the eruption stage, we can rectify it to prevent problems such as unaligned jaw and poor oral habits driven by it.
Bottom line
Even though your child’s teeth appear straight in the initial stage, they might get crowded due to the underlying issues. Hence it is wise to get early intervention (or early orthodontics) to diagnose and address those problems in order to avert teeth misalignment problems.
Despite such early orthodontic treatments do not fix all sorts of teeth misalignment problems, it is easier to correct problematic conditions, such as teeth crowding with early orthodontics. It is because the child’s developing mouth, teeth, and jaw bone are softer than individuals in the adolescence and adulthood stage.
So aligning the teeth with early orthodontics is less complicated and reposition the teeth in a shorter period.