Why should you clean your tongue?
The tongue is one of the most important organs in the body. It is due to the tongue that we are able to articulate speech, eat and taste. The tongue is more than just a muscle. It is formed of a group of muscles, each with their own specific purposes. That includes forming certain sounds and moving the food to be swallowed in controlled amounts lest we choke. And yet, we hardly give it a second thought. We often take extra care to brush our teeth but completely ignore cleaning our tongue. Cleaning your tongue is very important for dental hygiene. Here’s why :
1) Bad Breath
Bad breath or halitosis is often caused by the presence of bacteria in the mouth. The tongue plays host to a variety of bacteria some of which actively fights against infection. However, most bacteria do not need oxygen to survive and when they multiply, they emit sulphur gas. That is the primary reason for the stinky breath. The bacteria attack the food debris left behind in your tongue and breaks it down releasing the smelly sulphur compounds.
2) Dull Taste Buds
Your tongue is the only organ in your body that allows you to experience taste. Imagine looking forward to a beautiful dinner and somehow not able to relish it because it doesn’t taste good. One reason could be that your tongue is not doing its job properly. The tongue is a rugged surface. Hence, tiny food particles are lodged in the minute gaps where it is accessed by the bacteria. When you don’t brush your tongue, a biofilm coating of dead skin cells, bacteria and food particles is formed over the taste buds. This coating is called the biofilm. Rinsing the mouth with water doesn’t remove the biofilm which in turn covers the taste buds leaving you with a dull sense of taste.
3) Hairy Tongue
A hairy or black tongue is another condition that is caused by unhygienic tongue care. The upper surface of the tongue is rough in texture because it is covered in tiny, processes or protrusions called papillae. This condition occurs when the papillae get stained from leftover food particles. Hairy tongue occurs when these papillae do not shed properly, and there is a buildup of the skin protein known as keratin. When this happens, food, bacteria, or yeast can accumulate in the over-keratinized papillae network and cause odd discoloration. Trust us; it’s not good to look at as well.
4) Periodontal disease
It’s no brainer that an unclean tongue will eventually lead to tooth diseases. The build-up of bacteria paves the way for inflamed gums or gingivitis. As your tongue is in constant contact with your teeth, bacteria attacks the spaces in your gums and causes infections. If not treated in time, you risk the occurrence of plaque and tartar and eventually periodontal diseases which may result in the loss of teeth.
5) Yeast formation
Although not risky, it sure makes for a sad sight. Also known as oral thrush, when the bacteria in your mouth grow in an unprecedented pace, white spots can occur in your tongue. This is because of naturally occurring yeast and bacteria levels in your mouth grow out of control due to an unclean tongue.
Brush your tongue every time you brush your teeth. Be careful while brushing lest you accidently break the skin. Gentle brushing for 2 minutes is recommended. If you have a high gag reflex, try using a scraper. The flat surface of the scraper should prevent gagging and help in keeping your tongue clean.