
Wisdom Teeth Extraction


Wisdom Teeth Extraction


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Prevention of teeth from overcrowding, solve bite issues

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Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Wisdom teeth generally appear in the early twenties or the late teens, and they are named as third molars. They do not have the appropriate space in the jaw to grow fully, and this is called impaction. If this impaction occurs, it is necessary to extract them.
You no need to fear about these teeth. It is common, and this extraction is almost done for five million peoples per year. Our treatment for wisdom teeth extraction in Sri Lanka is advanced and modern.

We use two advanced methods in wisdom tooth removal

1) Laser method

Lasers can help cut off gum tissue in order to expose wisdom teeth that are partially erupted or trapped in the gum. This method can reduce or eliminate the need for dental drills, which can help you feel more comfortable as well.
Lasers can help reduce the risk of bleeding, swelling, and infection.
A dental specialist who is highly qualified to use the equipment and takes appropriate safety measures, such as supplying you with eye protection during laser treatments, will perform laser dentistry.

Advantages of Laser removal method

  • Fast period of treatment and recovery
  • During surgery, bleeding and swelling will be minimized
  • Internal tissue scarring will be reduced
  • Reduce infection risk
  • Reduce pain and anxiety

2) Piezoelectric method

Piezoelectric surgery is a relatively new bone surgery practice that has recently become incredibly popular in Implantology, periodontics, and oral surgery. An ultrasound frequency is produced at a specific range by the device used in this method. This system offers significant precision and safety, as well as micrometric cutting.
The device causes less bleeding, and the healing process is shorter. The main advantage of this method is painless, and there will not be any serious damage to the bone.

When this extraction is necessary?

While your wisdom teeth start erupting, our dentist will run a full examination and do diagnostic analyses such as CT scan or X- rays to check whether the teeth may cause any problem in the future. Wisdom tooth extraction is necessary if:
  • The size of the jaw is very small to fit all your teeth when the wisdom teeth erupt.
  • The eruption of wisdom teeth in informal orientation

What if you don’t bother wisdom teeth?

  • When your jaw is very small to accommodate new wisdom teeth, crowding may occur. This leads to impaction, potentially impairing adjacent bones or teeth.
  • If it comes in the informal or crooked angle, they will damage other teeth, injure the jaw leading to bite problems.
  • If the wisdom teeth don’t erupt completely, then there will be a higher chance of cultivating bacterial infection too.
  • A covered, fluid-filled sac called cyst may develop around an unerupted wisdom tooth that may cause severe infection and damaged nerve tissues and adjacent bones.
To protect your mouth in future wisdom tooth extraction will be a simple solution.

Wisdom tooth extraction process:

This extraction is normally done in the office only. First, you should get an appointment for treatment with our dentist. The treatment can be done even only with a local anesthetic, and this could help to keep you without any discomfort. If many teeth are being removed at one time, it is recommended to give general anesthesia, or conscious sedation will be administered.
Our dentists will advise you about the best type of anesthesia suitable for you.
Once you have been anesthetized properly, the gum tissue in the extraction area will be opened if the tooth is impacted. Then the impacted tooth is gently removed. After the extraction is completed the extracted area will be stitched for healing purposes.
After the procedure is completed, you can rest in our dental for a short time. It is recommended to accompany a person with you. Because depending upon the type of anesthesia given to you, you may need an accompanied person to drive.

Recovery procedure

After extraction, you will be recovered in a couple of days. During the recovery period, you should take pain medicines as advised by our dentist. You may experience bleeding in the extracted area for some time, but it is normal. You can control it by biting the gauze pad, changing them as needed, and resting your head on pillows instead of lying flat.
You can keep an ice pack on your cheek for five minutes on, then five minutes off. This will reduce swelling on the day after the extraction. On the next day, moderately hot moist heat of a washcloth kept on the outside of the cheek, will make you feel better. Gargling your mouth with heated saltwater for three or four times a day also helps in relieving from discomfort.
It is recommended to eat soft foods on the first day after the extraction of wisdom teeth. You should be careful while brushing until your healing is over. And finally, you have to follow your dentist’s instruction after the wisdom tooth extraction because every tooth extraction is a little different and follow our recommendations to feel the most comfortable.

Your Perfect Smile Awaits!



What is impacted wisdom tooth means?

Teeth that are not able to fully erupt through the gums are called impacted wisdom teeth. It is very common and occurs to 9 out of 10 people.

At what age wisdom teeth come in?

Mostly between the ages of 18-21 but sometimes vary.

Does everyone have the problem of wisdom teeth?

Some people have all four wisdom teeth, some have one, two or three and some have none. So the answer is no.

When can I eat after treatment?

As soon as reaching home you can eat.


Before & After


Our Clients with their Dream smile

Wisdom Teeth Extraction

With our painless procedure, we have extracted huge numbers of wisdom tooth for a healthy smile.

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Dr.Nasar Abdul Wadood

BDS (SL) FCCDE (Singapore) MAAID (USA)
Chief Doctor, Align Dental Care.

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