6 possible risks of untreated tooth decay you might not know

6 possible risks of untreated tooth decay you might not know

By Dr. Nasar Abdul Wadood in Chief Doctor, Align Dental Care

November 29th, 2021

Tooth decay is one of the most common dental problems. You have some form of cavities unless you take good care of your teeth. Remember that cavities occur gradually such as losing minerals, weakening the enamel, and eventually a hole will form. It means you can save a decayed tooth if it is treated timely. In contrast, many people neglect cavities due to which they invite serious problems like gum diseases.

You might know cavities penetrate deeper inside a tooth and affect the adjacent teeth. Surprisingly, the toxic microbes in a rotten tooth are linked to various long-term health issues. Researches show that some illnesses have their root from infections in teeth. When the oral microbes in a rotten tooth move to the bloodstream, various deadly diseases will occur.

Such clinical consequences of untreated cavities are explained here.

1) Affect the oral tissues

The bacteria accumulation in a tooth puts the oral tissues at risk of infection. Similar to gums, the nerves and tissues located around the oral cavity will also be affected if a decayed tooth is left untreated.

For instance, infections in lower decayed teeth can infect the tissues around the tongue. It triggers an infectious condition called Ludwig’s Angina. On the other hand, the infections in an upper tooth can injure tissues in cheeks, sinus cavities and even progress to infect your eyes.

2) Weaken the immune system

As mentioned earlier, when the toxic fluid secreted from a decayed tooth enters the bloodstream, it leads to various side effects including the immune suppression effect. It is followed by various autoimmune diseases like Rheumatic fever, Rheumatoid arthritis, Inflammatory bowel disease, Multiple Sclerosis, and much more.

3) Reduction in Palate

When the infection in a tooth penetrates deeper inside, the tooth will lose its biting and chewing efficiency. In essence, an untreated decayed tooth triggers unbearable pain while eating. In such cases, the problematic tooth doesn’t allow you to eat all kinds of eatables. Hence you may develop nutritional deficiencies also.

4) Sepsis

Sepsis is a life-threatening condition and it happens when bacteria enter the bloodstream for people with a compromised immune system. Like we have seen earlier, people with rotten teeth have high chances of sepsis infection.

The body of a sepsis sufferer has an extreme response to infections. If it is left untreated, it leads to tissue damage, organ failure, and even death.

5) Meningitis

Meningitis is another bodily disorder that occurs when the bacteria moves to the bloodstream. When the microbes reach the brain through blood, it causes swelling in membranes around the brain and spinal cord. This condition is called Meningitis.

People suffering from this dangerous illness encounter problems like difficulties in sensory feelings, visionary problems, hearing problems, and much more.

Bottom Line

Despite dental caries being a common oral problem, it will become tedious if the infected tooth is not treated on time. Hence you should consult your dentist when you notice atypical spots on teeth. It is not just to safeguard the infected teeth but also to safeguard your physical health as well.  

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