Non-dental problems that provoke toothache
Characteristically tooth-related pain that makes a person present himself/herself to a dentist is pretty clear-cut to diagnose furthermore treat. But from time to time we observe patients that are in pain that feels like it’s in their teeth otherwise emanating from surrounding structures, but it’s in point of fact not.
The majorly critical component of a diagnosis is getting an obvious history if achievable. If you do all of your standard tests and come across yourself still scratching your head attempting to figure things out, think about these other probable causes:
- Periodontal Abscess: Every now and then patients develop pain and uneasiness from the adjoining structures but not from the tooth itself. A regular finding is a dull pain in addition to swelling in the region of a tooth that has bone loss and is in good physical shape otherwise and when tested, the nerve responds in a standard manner.
- Temporal Arteritis: This is a circumstance that is as a consequence of inflammation of blood vessels in the head, particularly the branches of the exterior carotid artery. These patients can have a record of headaches, but they in addition can have ache in their heads and jaws plus their tongues when chewing.
- Pathological Disease: Cancer furthermore growth in the jaws can cause pain, tooth mobility furthermore swelling in the jaw, all mimicking frequent tooth issues and can be frequently overlooked or else misdiagnosed. Now and again these areas can also get infected; leading to pain furthermore swelling that can over and over again seem like a standard tooth problem.
- Salivary Glands: Not seen over and over again, these patients more often than not come in complaining that when they consume, they experience swelling furthermore discomfort and it resolves soon after eating. The pain is more often than not non-specific and they can be present in a general area like the side of their face or beneath their jaw. Sweet otherwise sour foods are the most widespread ones that set off the problem. This is time and again owing to a salivary stone that has lead to obstruction of the duct and/or the gland has at the moment become infected attributed to poor drainage.
- Trigeminal Neuralgia/Neuralgias: This condition involves the swelling and/or a disorder of the Trigeminal Nerve, which is accountable for giving sensation to the cavity in the teeth and enclosing structures. More often than not these patients have a razor-sharp, piercing pain that can be caused by contact, eating, chewing, drinking moreover brushing of teeth and from wind blowing alongside the skin.
- Cardiovascular Event: We don’t typically think about our hearts causing pain in the jaw, but up till now it can be a widespread finding in patients that are suffering from a heart attack. Often we think of patients having pain in the chest besides vomiting, fatigue furthermore shortness of breath. But current studies show that females by and large do not have chest pain, but will have additional types of pain, such as pain in the jaw as well as neck areas when they are suffering a heart attack
- Sinus Infection: These patients enter with complaints of soreness in the upper posterior teeth, but they in addition have pain furthermore soreness in the cheek region. Typically they have a record of increased congestion along with/or drainage as of the sinuses and could be even running a low grade fever and experience feeling unhealthy overall. Characteristic findings comprise upper teeth are normally all painful to touch/percussion on the affected region (every now and then both) however there is not a definite tooth that is additionally sensitive and they typically have standard thermal tests.
- Bruxism/Occlusal issues: Clenching of the teeth at nighttime day or else both along with imbalances in a patients nibble can trigger a complete host of issues that comprise pain on biting, sensitivity, temporary sensitivity moreover fractured as well as mobile teeth. Often these patients in addition have TMD/TMJ issues.
- TMD/TMJ Pain: Patients that present having TMD issues do complain of straightforward soreness in teeth to radiating pain as of muscle a spasm, jaw pain, pain radiating into the ear area and the list goes on. They frequently have “trigger points” or else areas that are tender and are able to even refer ache to the affected teeth.