Major Consequences of a missing tooth
Missing tooth is a common problem among adults nowadays. Turning old isn’t the only reason for tooth loss. There are many other reasons like an unhealthy lifestyle, an unbalanced diet, poor oral hygiene, accidents, being too hard with your teeth. When a tooth goes missing, the adjacent teeth will shift and fill the gap automatically within a few weeks. And the gap between the teeth increases where the food particles get stuck between the gaps. If your missing tooth is left untreated, then you have to face the following consequences.
1. Smile
Perfect alignment of the teeth is the major reason behind many people’s attractive smile. If any of the teeth gets lost, that too the front teeth, no matter how beautiful they are, they will become less attractive to people.
The old ravishing smile will be lost if you don’t fix your missing teeth.
2. Premature aging
When you lost your teeth or if your teeth have been removed, it is advisable to replace your teeth immediately. If missed, then it will make you look older than your age. Canines, the supporting pillar of your face, if it is lost then your face starts sagging. When you start losing your teeth, you start to lose your confidence, your self-esteem, your image among the other people in society.
3. Bone loss
More than losing your smile, self-esteem, confidence, here is the major impact of your missing tooth, “bone loss”. Your teeth which are supported by your bone gets melted away if the teeth get missing. Good bone support is essential for being healthy and moreover, it not only impacts the missing area but also affects the nearby healthy teeth and tissues which may lead to gum diseases or tooth decay. Along with these problems, your face also starts sagging and you will look aged than your age.
4. Limits your food
You may find it hard to crunch or chew certain hard foods if you lost your tooth. You may not able to eat highly nutritious food which in turn will spoil your health automatically.
5. Indigestion
You won’t be able to eat harder foods because of your missing tooth. So you will prefer softer food items which may lead to digestion problems or you may not be able to chew the food properly which also leads to the digestion problem. When digestion doesn’t happen properly, it drives other complicated problems.
Think twice before extracting your teeth, or if your tooth got missed for any reason make a replacement. There are many advanced technologies like implants and removable dentures available. Get your dentist’s guidance and replace your missing teeth.