Wisdom Teeth

How to reduce wisdom tooth pain?

By Dr. Nasar Abdul Wadood in Chief Doctor, Align Dental Care

February 27th, 2019

Most of you who have the wisdom teeth come in know how painful it can get. Wisdom teeth are the last molars to come out of your gums at the furthest corners of your mouth. And while the pain sometimes resolves on its own over the course of days, sometimes treatment is necessary to reduce the pain.

They come out between the ages of 17 to 25 and induce swelling in gums, bleeding and a constant ache. While visiting the dentist and removing your wisdom teeth is the permanent solution, it is not always possible for the person to do so.

Here are a few tricks and tips that will help in reducing the pain caused by the growth of wisdom tooth.

1)Salt Water Rinse

Salt water rinse is the most common and effective method of reducing the pain. Salt water has natural disinfectant properties that help in reducing bacteria. Build up bacteria around the gums causes pain. Dissolve a few spoons of salt into a glass of hot water and rinse your mouth with it before spitting it out. Do this for two to three times a day to reduce wisdom tooth pain

2) Use of Cloves

Cloves acts as pain reliever due to their natural numbing effect.  Cloves also fight bacteria growing in your gums and are potent at reducing pain. Gently place the clove over the wisdom tooth that’s causing pain and close your jaw. Make sure you don’t chew the clove. Keep it over the tooth until the pain reduces and the spit it out.

3) Numbing Gel

Doctors often prescribe numbing gel as a stop gap procedure before an appointment. Dental numbing gels are easily available in medical stores and online. It can be applied directly over the gums that are causing pain. Most gels contain benzocaine which helps in numbing the pain. Care should be taken not to swallow the gel if possible. Any extra gel should be spitted out.

4) Applying Ice

The application of an ice pack helps in reducing pain if it is caused due to excessive swelling.  Use of an ice pack a few times a day greatly helps in removing the swelling. Simply put some ice in a plastic bag and place it over the side of your cheek where the painful tooth is. Not only will this help in reducing swelling, it also aids in reducing the inflammation of the gums

5) Onions

Onions have natural pain reducing abilities. It targets the germs causing pain and fights it providing relief. The pungent the onion is, the better the relief it provides. Cut a piece of onion and place it over the gums that are causing pain. Chew it slowly. Allow the juice of the onion to slow penetrate your tooth.  Keep chewing until the pain reduces.

6) Tea Bags

Research shows that tea bags contain an agent called tannis acid which has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Brew tea using the teabag and let it cool in a refrigerator. Once the tea is sufficiently cooled down, remove the teabag and place it over the gums causing pain. Not only does it soothe the pain, it reduces swelling and is an instant pain reliever.

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