Home Remedies to Soothe Root Canal Pain
Root canal Treatment is nothing but a space within the root of the tooth, where there is a soft pulp of tissues which contains blood vessels and connecting tissue, and helps grow root of the tooth when the procedure of development is going on. The causes of root canal pain are – infection damaged pulp that destroys the enamel and dentin of the tooth, shrinking of the old metal filling, and chewing or eating hardened food.
Here we have listed some of the effective home remedies to get rid of root canal pain.
1) Salt + hot water
The most common, and arguably the easiest, method for relieving tooth pain can be accomplished easily with just salt and water, something everyone has in their kitchen. Salt and hot water has long been known to provide relief for toothaches. This solution will draw out the fluids from the gums that are causing the irritation and help reduce the aching sensation.
Mixing a single tablespoon (1 tbsp) of salt in a glass of hot or warm water and then rinsing/gargling will provide the relief, which can be repeated if necessary.
2) Ice pack
This is one of the oldest and best methods for post root canal treatment pain relief. All you need to do is to wrap a few cubes of ice with a clean piece of cloth and put the thing on your face over the affected area. Keep it for 5 minutes, and in case there is no relief from pain, then extend it to 15 minutes. Do this 3-4 times during the day. But keep in mind not to apply the ice directly to the tooth.
3) Gargle
This is another old and simple remedy for getting rid of oral problems. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle with it two or three times daily.
4) Clove
This is something we have been using since childhood to get rid of any kind of teeth pain. What helps is putting a clove near the affected tooth and sucking it as long as you can. Putting a few drops of clove oil and massaging your gums very lightly with it too is a good idea. You can also make a paste with water and grounded cloves and apply it on the aching tooth and gums. However, remember not to overdose by using many cloves over extended periods of time as that can be actually harmful to your teeth.
5) Onion and garlic juice
Both onion and garlic are effective in their own ways against toothaches and you can use them together to get rid of it, even if you find the pungent smell a bit intimidating. Mix the juices of both of these by crushing them together. Now apply a drop of that on the affected tooth. You can also use these separately. Place a piece of freshly cut onion or a clove of smashed garlic on the affected tooth and allow the juice to seep in. These are excellent antibacterial agents and will thus help in preventing infection.
6) Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is bitter to taste, but it is great for relieving pain. Swish your mouth with it for the purpose, and dilute it if you feel that you can’t handle the bitterness. However, take care to use only food grade hydrogen peroxide for the purpose.
7) Cucumber
Cucumber is well-known for its pain relieving and cooling properties. It can provide you instant relief from the toothache resulted due to a root canal. You can take a slice of cucumber and put it on the affected tooth inside the mouth. Repeat the process to get the best results.
8) Tea Bags
Instead of throwing away the tea bags once you have prepared your tea put it on the aching tooth. The juice from the leaves seeping down to your tooth would really help you by making the area numb for some time. Repeat the process a few times over the day to get some real pain relief. However, take care that the bag does not become cold, or gets torn or open from anywhere.
9) Baking soda
Baking soda is very good at dealing with the tenderness after root canal treatment. Soak a clean ball of cotton in water. Squeeze it to do away with the extra water. Then coat the soaked ball with baking soda and apply it on the affected tooth. You can also make a mouthwash of your own by adding some water with a little baking soda. Swish your mouth with this. Repeat the process twice or thrice daily till there is pain relief.