Harmful impact of dehydration on your dental health
Staying hydrated is not only good for your body health but also for your dental health.
During hot summer days, it is very essential to stay hydrated to maintain proper chemical balance in the body. Improper balance due to dehydration may cause various problems such as bad breath, decay, and gum problems. A beautiful smile is boosted by drinking plenty of healthy drinks.
Dry mouth causes various impacts on dental health like gum diseases. Your saliva plays an essential role in your dental health. It washes away hidden food particles and bacteria and helps in maintaining good oral health.
Dehydration is the main factor that reduces the secretion of saliva in the mouth. When you are dehydrated, bacteria in the mouth multiply easily and create various oral infections.
Here are the problems that will occur due to the dehydration
1) Bad breath
When you are hydrated, the secretion of saliva will be more. Saliva continually washes your teeth, gums, and tongue and helps in maintaining fresh breath. Hence leaving your mouth in a dry condition can give you bad breath. Always moisten your mouth to stay away from bad breath.
2) Tooth staining
When food particles and drinks left over the mouth for a long time, it will stain your teeth. Saliva reduces stains by rinsing away these food particles before it stains your enamel. Thus staying hydrated also helps you to maintain whiter teeth.
3) Weaker enamel
Your enamel will be weakened if there is no proper supply of some minerals. Saliva supplies calcium, phosphate ions, and fluoride to the enamel of your teeth. These mineral supplements strengthen your enamel and do some microscopic repairs. Being hydrated gives you stronger teeth and enamel.
4) Cavity
The above-said minerals are also responsible for fighting against harmful bacteria. Dehydration in mouth causes these bacteria to expand and create a cavity and several other infections. Keeping your mouth hydrated boosts saliva secretion and protects from cavities and other infections
5) Gum disease
Gum disease or periodontal disease occurs due to the main reason of plaque build-up and bacteria. Saliva helps in minimizing periodontal disease by washing away this plaque and bacteria constantly.
Rehydrate yourself to reduce the risk of oral problems. Drinking adequate water helps in secreting saliva constantly. When we age, the ability to eliminate water will be lost in the kidney. Here are some ways to stay hydrated gradually.
Prevention Techniques
- Chewing – Chewing compresses your salivary gland muscles and helps in releasing saliva. Always chew sugar-free gums to secrete saliva.
- Limit consumption of coffee and alcohol and minimize salt.
- Eat foods that are rich in water such as applesauce, salads and fruits.
- When you sweat, the electrolytes in your body will be lost. Drinking coconut water helps you to regain the lost electrolytes.
- Use mouth wash that is alcohol-free.
- Do not smoke. It improves your mouth hygiene as well as overall health
- Breathe through the nose instead of the mouth, especially on summer days.
Always keep your mouth hydrated, if you feel any symptoms like cracked lips, bad breath, dry tongue, dark urine, nausea, etc., consult your dentist immediately to prevent various dental problems that occur due to dry mouth.