Dental health benefits of Green tea
You may have known already that green tea acquires a lot of health benefits. But do you know this is actually good for your mouth too?
Green tea is a gift for enhancing your taste buds and also improves your oral health.
Here are some of the benefits of green tea for your dental health.
Reduced oral cancer
Green tea is rich in antioxidants and other healthy properties, which helps in protection against cancerous tumor growth and cellular damage.
Healthy teeth
Green tea enhances bone health and also your teeth health. Research says, people who drink a cup of green tea every day without added sugar are likely to have less chance of teeth loss when compared to those who drink coffee.
Prevents Plaque
This sticky substance present on the teeth allows bacteria to multiply and cause tooth decay. Epigallocatechin gallate is a substance present in green tea, which helps to fight against bacteria that are responsible for dental plaque.
Improves gum health
The anti-inflammatory property of green tea helps in controlling periodontal gum disease. Research says, people who drink green tea regularly have healthier gums than others who don’t drink it.
Eliminates bad breath
Green tea helps in eliminating bad breath as it destroys the bacteria that are stick on our mouths. Also, it enhances the taste buds and improves the taste sense. Green tea is far better than mints, parsley seed oil, and chewing gums. You can also read these natural remedies to fight against bad breath.
Prevents dental cavities
Green tea reduces the amount of plaque as well as limits the bacteria levels that can be helpful in preventing cavities. In research, patients were insisted to rinse their mouth with green tea for 5 minutes.
The result is tremendous, bacteria in their mouths were reduced and their bleeding in gums was also reduced. Thus the result proved green tea helps in reducing cavities and tooth decay.
Reduced teeth loss
As already said green tea prevents tooth decay and cavities, consuming it regularly will give healthy teeth for a long time and reduces early teeth loss.
Keeps hydrated
Green tea naturally helps in keeping your teeth hydrated. Being hydrated promotes saliva secretion. This helps wash away leftover particles that are responsible for plaque and tartar buildup. Consuming green tea regularly is the best way of having a cleaner mouth.
Green tea is consumed mostly in countries like China, Japan, and India due to its vast range of health benefits. It prevents various problems in the body like cancer, strokes, heart disease, skin disorders, memory loss, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and liver disorders.
Replace your normal coffee/tea with green tea, and improve your overall health. Have a healthy smile!