Dental health benefits of clove oil
From the ancient periods, clove has been used as a natural remedy to treat various dental problems. People do not see whether it is raw clove or oil, but they continuously believe in the medicinal benefits of this spice plant to treat cavities, infection, toothache and other oral problems.
When you read those ingredients present in toothpaste or mouthwash, you should have noticed this clove oil, because it is the main ingredient, which shows its strength and benefits in oral health.
Those who think to treat their dental problem in an herbal and natural way, clove oil is an excellent option for enhancing your health of teeth and gums.
When you think of your childhood days, your grandmother would have told you to bite and hold clove where there is an ache in a tooth. Yes, our ancient people followed this technique to get rid of toothache. Here are some of the major benefits of clove oil for dental health
Clove oil for toothache
As said above, if someone has a toothache in our home, the first remedy we suggest is to keep a clove in the area where there is a toothache. Unbelievably, it will relieve some sort of pain. Dentists recommend clove oil instead of clove to save the healthy tissues in the mouth from damage.
Therefore, whenever if pain arises, take clove oil and apply a drop in the pain area, as it will relieve the pain. However, if the pain still exists, consult the dentist as soon as possible.
Clove oil for cavity
Clove oil is still used by many people to fight cavities. This remedy is very useful and effective against cavities caused by infected teeth or bacteria. Due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, they can treat various oral care problems.
To eliminate cavities apply a few drops of oil in the affected area before going to sleep. For amazing results, try this for a week every night. Use a cotton ball to dip the oil instead of using fingers.
Clove oil for mouth ulcers
Mouth ulcers are one of the common problems that should be treated as soon as possible to avoid any severe pain in the future. Here too the benefit of clove oil plays a major role in curing this problem.
This is simple, take a few drops of clove oil and mix it with warm water. Now put this mixture in your mouth and gargle thoroughly.
Due to the anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of clove oil, it kills germs in the mouth and brings relief.
Clove oil for bad breath
Bad breath occurs due to the accumulation of germs and bacteria in the mouth. If you feel any bad odor in your mouth, you can believe clove oil due to its anti-bacterial properties to get immediate relief.
To eliminate bad breath, take clove oil, stevia extracts, and peppermint essential oil, mix all these ingredients and store it in a spray bottle. Whenever you feel the bad breath in your mouth, simply spray this mixture in your mouth to get relief from bad breath.
Clove oil for teething babies
Whenever new teeth emerge in babies, it causes pain to them. Gums become swollen and cause discomfort to them. This problem often disturbs their sleep and makes them cry. You can trust the properties of clove oil here, and it helps a lot in this condition.
If your baby is teething, take a few drops of clove oil and dilute them with water. Then apply the diluted oil in the baby’s gum. This relieves their pain and makes them sleep well.
Clove oil is one of the best natural remedies to cure any oral problems. However, you should brush and floss your teeth regularly and it is highly recommended to visit your dentist twice a year to maintain the best oral hygiene.