Does acid reflux cause oral health problems?

Acid reflux is a common discomfort that is experienced by older folks. In this article, let us discuss about acid reflux and the effect it has on your oral health.
Relation between acid reflux and dental health
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Unknown factors behind gum diseases

Gum disease is one of the most common ailments found in the planet and yet most people don’t take enough precautions against the onset of a gum disease. Gum disease usually starts with a minor issue like a gum pain and then balloons into something serious since most of us ignore the symptoms or factors that denote the presence of gum disease.
Read More…Different types of dental veneers

Dental veneer is a type of material usually placed over the teeth to improve the aesthetics of your mouth. Dental veneer can be used to change the shape, colour and size of your teeth. Dental veneers are used for a medley of reasons ranging from cosmetics to covering the injuries in the mouth.
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Invisalign is a form of new generation braces used to fix crooked teeth or overbite. Most times, such conditions are fixed during your childhood but there are times when adults need their teeth fixed too. For a long time, metal braces were used to fix the teeth. Not only were they uncomfortable, it also wasn’t pleasant to look at. Nowadays, invisible braces or invisalign braces are the perfect solution. They not only fix your teeth, but you can also smile without feeling awkward about how your teeth looks.
Read More…Why should you clean your tongue?

The tongue is one of the most important organs in the body. It is due to the tongue that we are able to articulate speech, eat and taste. The tongue is more than just a muscle. It is formed of a group of muscles, each with their own specific purposes. That includes forming certain sounds and moving the food to be swallowed in controlled amounts lest we choke. And yet, we hardly give it a second thought. We often take extra care to brush our teeth but completely ignore cleaning our tongue. Cleaning your tongue is very important for dental hygiene. Here’s why :
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Teeth grinding is a habit that is practised by many people, young and old alike. Whilst teeth grinding occasionally is not of much concern, regular tooth grinding is. People usually grind their teeth for a couple of reasons including stress, out of habit or anxiety.
Tips to maintain a healthy mouth during Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the increase in the hormonal changes may cause serious dental problems. Dental problems during pregnancy not only affect yourself it also affects your little one.
Here are a few tips to maintain a healthy mouth
Before Pregnancy
Once you have decided about getting pregnant, it is your responsibility to check the health of your teeth and gums beforehand. Make an appointment with your dentist, so that he can examine you and treat you if you are affected by any of the gum problems or dental problems. Also, get your dentist’s advice about oral health and follow them.
During Pregnancy
It is really important to ensure that you and your baby are healthy once the happy news of pregnancy is confirmed.
1. Go for a regular visit to your dentist
Your dentist will help you in maintaining your dental health preventing you and your child from any of the dental problems.
2. Choose the best toothbrush
You would have to brush your teeth twice a day, as oral hygiene is more important. Clean your teeth and your gums using your soft toothbrush. Often change your toothbrush to stay away from the bacteria which may stick to your toothbrush.
3. Morning sickness
It is common among pregnant women. If you are experiencing it, then rinse your mouth regularly using water and baking soda. You can also get your dentist’s advice to get rid of this morning sickness. If it is not taken seriously, then the acid formed will affect your teeth.
4. Avoid using tobacco
People around made it as a practice to take more puffs of tobacco every day even though they knew that it would lead to many health problems. Most probably it affects your teeth leading to oral cancer, serious gum problems and more. Intake of alcohol should also be stopped for healthy well-being during your pregnancy.
5. Starve more for fruits and vegetables
Adding more fruits and vegetables in your daily diet will make you and your baby healthier. Include grains, wheat, bread, green leaves, citrus fruits in your diet chart. Stop munching sugary food, candies, cookies, and other snacks. Even if you snack something, have a limit and balance it by having more water.
6. Hydrate more
The more water you drink, the less risk you will have. Water itself rich in fluoride. Fluoride helps to protect your teeth from any of the germs or bacteria. Fluoride rich toothpaste can be used to vanish away all the germs and bacteria.
After childbirth
Often people forget themselves when they get the best happiness of their life. Once their little one shows up, women totally forget to take care of herself concentrating more on parenting her child. But the thing is, it is more important to take care of their dental health after pregnancy as it will affect them sooner or later.
1. Maintain your dental health by following all the above tips throughout your lifetime as the dental health is connected with your entire health and well being. Good oral care is necessary for a person in all walks of his/her life to maintain good health.
2. Visit your dentist regularly to know about the dental health of you and your child. Ask your dentist’s help to maintain good oral health for your child right from the scratch. It’s nothing wrong in asking any number of questions with your dentists until you get satisfied.
All you need to know about Teeth Scaling

For people suffering from gum disease, scaling is a common procedure undertaken by many that helps in removing the excess plaque from your mouth. What differentiates it from a teeth whitening procedure is that it is a lot more comprehensive in removing plaque and tartar.
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