Significance of Blue Light in Dentistry

Do you ever get cavities? Perhaps while you were at the dentist, you noticed a strange-looking tool producing a blue light. Or even better, the blue light that the dentist shone in your mouth must have caught your eye if you recently went to the dentist to get a tooth-colored filling done.
If you’re wondering what blue light is all about and why it is used in dentistry, read the blog to know about its uses and significance in the field of dentistry and also why dentists prefer using blue light for most dental procedures.
Read More…What everybody ought to know about dental fissure sealants?

Dental fissure sealants are clear composite resins and are primarily made up of glass ionomer. These sealants are used as a preventative dental treatment to protect molar and premolar teeth from developing pits & fissure cavities.
When you look at your molar teeth, they have groovy lines called fissures. Simultaneously, pits are also present. Such pits and fissures form the chewing surfaces of molar teeth. The deep grooves allow the food particles stuck and accumulate there. Meanwhile, the base of those grooves is inaccessible to toothbrush bristles.
In such cases, food debris and microbes pile up, followed by causing plaque build-up, cavities, etc. The pits and fissures increase the risk of cavities however impeccable your oral hygiene activities are.
This is where fissure sealants are required. The role of this thin coating material in safeguarding our teeth is explained in this blog article.
Read More…How should you keep the anti-snore mouthguards clean and hygienic?

Snore guards, primarily known as snoring mouthguards are mouthpieces that are designed to stop snoring. Similar to other sleep apnea appliances like Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD), and Tongue Stabilization devices, the mouthguard for snoring also protects the snorers from various damaging effects of snoring.
Wearing this appliance while sleeping will pull the lower jaw slightly forward hence that the position of muscles in the lower jaw and tongue base is adjusted. It makes these muscles not relax into the uvula region. Thus the airflow obstruction is corrected thereby the hoarse sound that occurs as a consequence is also prevented.
As the anti-snoring mouthpieces spend hours inside a person’s mouth, the wearer should keep the appliance clean. Keep reading to get the snore guard cleaning tips.
Read More…Is it right to wear braces on one arch only?

Many youngsters have requested us to provide braces for top teeth alone. Likely, some patients asked to get braces on their bottom teeth only. It raises the question “Can I get braces for my top or bottom teeth only?” You might also think about this. Right?
Getting dental braces on either of the dentition is called single-arch orthodontic treatment (or) one-arch orthodontic treatment. It is possible to get braces for just one arch is possible under particular circumstances (minor imperfections) for some people alone.
Even if the teeth are misaligned in one arch but not the other, patients should wear braces for both. Keep reading to know the reasons.
Read More…What causes chronic numbness in your chin?

You might encounter chin numbness at least once in your life especially after getting certain dental work done. Right?
It is a common consequence of anesthesia (a numbing agent) injected while performing various dental procedures. Likewise, the topical anesthetics applied to alleviate painful blisters inside the mouth also numb certain portions of your face including the chin.
The unfeelingness will go away once the anesthetics agents wear down. It typically lasts for a few hours. However, if you notice numbness in your cheeks frequently, it is a matter of concern. The reason is, it can be a sign of various oral complications and serious underlying issues.
Read More…What everybody ought to know about dental bone spurs?

The dental bone spurs are sharp, tiny pieces of bone fragments dislodged from the surrounding tissues but lodged in the gums. Generally, it happens after removing a tooth surgically or getting certain dental procedures. It is our body’s natural way of expelling unwanted bone from the treated site. This is the main reason why many people sense a sharp object stuck in their gums after tooth extraction.
Despite being harmless, these bone spicules evoke some discomforts. Keep reading to know more about the bone spurs that appear in the mouth.
Read More…Will sugar substitutes cause cavities & gum disease like refined sugar?

Artificial sweeteners, also known as Sugar substitutes are calorie-free, non-nutritive chemical substances that provide a sweet taste to foods and drinks. Some are made with benign chemicals, while others are prepared from naturally occurring substances like herbs. It allows people to enjoy the sweet flavor of nourishments but without sugar. They are prevalently used in eatables like jams, fruit juices, jellies, candies, etc.
It is a well-known fact that consuming too much sugar causes cavities and type 2 diabetes. However, certain people get dental caries, gum infections despite taking foodstuffs, and beverages that are branded as “Sugar-free”.
It has raised the question “Will artificial sweeteners affect our teeth?” in the minds of many people. It is also something that our patients have inquired about. We explained it in detail here. Keep reading.
How does sugar cause tooth decay?
Read More…Why do some kids & adults have small teeth but big gums?

As far as many people know, having short teeth is a cosmetic concern. Since a few teeth are smaller than the ideal size, it pushes the sufferer to deliver a disproportionate smile. Besides this, there is an excess of space in the mouth due to those atypically small teeth. If left untreated, it will lead to a variety of dental problems.
Microdontia is the medical term that represents the condition of having smaller teeth and such short teeth are called “Microdontic teeth” or “Microdonts”. Continue reading to learn more about this.
What are the types of Microdontia?
Read More…How do post tooth extraction infections occur?

Tooth extraction is a widely performed, minimally invasive dental procedure. It is recommended if a tooth is severely infected or to get rid of tooth pain triggered by wisdom teeth. This procedure is safe and straightforward because the teeth extractions are carried out with proper disinfectants like antibiotics to prevent infection.
Post extraction complications like pain and bleeding are common. However, some people develop bone infections after removing problematic teeth. Such infections after tooth removal are uncommon but a few individuals mistake it as a dry socket.
Keep reading to know more about the possible causes of infections at the tooth extraction site.
Read More…What are the various kinds of oral sedation used by dental doctors?

If you are anxious about dental treatments, feel hard to endure the agony of pain, having fear of needles, or other factors due to which neglecting dental treatments, sedation dentistry will be the right choice for people like you.
Dentists use various conscious sedation drugs to make you relax and feel comfortable during dental procedures. Once the drug is administered or injected, you will be awake but do not sense what is going on around you. In individual cases, you might not remember until the sedation lasts. It is also known as “Sleep Dentistry“.
In this post, our dentists have explained the different types of sedation available in dentistry nowadays.
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