Dentures are removable prosthetic devices aimed at replacing the missing teeth. It is an effective replacement for resto...
Artificial sweeteners, also known as Sugar substitutes are calorie-free, non-nutritive chemical substances that provide ...
Root Canal Treatment (RCT) provides a new lease of life to an immensely decayed tooth. RCT is recommended at times when ...
Dental debridement, also known as Full Mouth Debridement (FMD) or Periodontal debridement is a kind of teeth cleaning pr...
As far as many people know, having short teeth is a cosmetic concern. Since a few teeth are smaller than the ideal size,...
Tooth extraction is a widely performed, minimally invasive dental procedure. It is recommended if a tooth is severely in...
A tongue crib is an orthodontic appliance that is useful for correcting teeth, and muscular abnormalities caused due to ...
The insertion of tooth fillings is a widely performed treatment to repair decayed teeth. The procedure involves evacuati...
If you are anxious about dental treatments, feel hard to endure the agony of pain, having fear of needles, or other fact...
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