A pulpotomy procedure involves removal of coronal pulp while trying to preserve the health of the remaining radicular pu...
Sleep apnea is a condition where the person’s breathing stops or repeatedly starts during sleep. You may experienc...
The nerves of a tooth are located in a vascularized connective tissue called pulp chamber in the centre of a tooth. Dama...
Do you ever get cavities? Perhaps while you were at the dentist, you noticed a strange-looking tool producing a blue lig...
The small metal squares attached to the teeth while putting metal braces are called orthodontic brackets. The brackets a...
Stress, temporomandibular joint problems, nighttime teeth grinding, and tetanus, often known as lockjaw, are just a few ...
A cheerful and confident individual always has a pleasant smile on their face. When compared to green or discolored teet...
Dental fissure sealants are clear composite resins and are primarily made up of glass ionomer. These sealants are used a...
Snore guards, primarily known as snoring mouthguards are mouthpieces that are designed to stop snoring. Similar to other...
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