Benefits of regular dental cleaning
There are many factors why it is necessary to have a dental cleaning. If you don’t brush and floss your teeth regularly, there may be an entire host of potential health risks. Also, dentists and dental experts may have a keen eye for dental problems that are hidden and difficult to see. Here, I hope to explain the risks of not having regular visits to dental cleaning.
Risks if you not clean your teeth
There are many hazards of not taking care of your teeth.
Cavity formation is the most commonly known risk associated with the absence of dental cleaning.
Plaques are acidic substance that gradually produces tooth decay that is responsible for cavities. Frequent brushing and flossing is the best way to prevent this from building up on your teeth.
Many things we consume, like cigarettes, coffee, and wine, can stain our teeth. The teeth may be stained yellow after a while. Typically this is combined with bad breath because poor oral hygiene and oral health also mean that bacteria take up residence in your mouth and start developing.
Table of Contents
Why do you need a regular dental cleaning?
Preventing tooth decay – Fighting off the plaque
The plaque will accumulate on your teeth even with regular flossing and brushing, especially in places that are difficult to reach. Finally, it mineralizes on your teeth and produces tartar, a strong, brown, or yellow layer that adheres tightly to your teeth.
These tartars cannot be removed simply by brushing, but your dentist or hygienist can remove it. Hence if you fail to remove these tartars and plaque, gum problems and cavity will be easily created.
Keep your teeth neat and bright
Are you drinking tea, coffee, or wine? Are you using tobacco? All of these will stain your teeth. Dental cleaning helps in polishing your teeth, and they will bring back the original smoothness of your teeth. You will get a brighter smile, and your teeth will look like that.
Prevents Gum disease
Gum disease is associated with other serious conditions of health, such as heart disease and diabetes. Cleaning your teeth twice a year helps in preventing gum diseases, and the risk of getting other health issues will be prevented.
Dental cleaning also helps in finding out any signs of oral cancer. If any signs of oral cancer are detected, you can prevent it easily.
Removes bad breath
Plaques build-ups on the place that is hard to reach, even if you brush and floss every day, these plaques won’t get removed, resulting in bad breath. Regular dental cleaning helps in reducing the bacteria that cause bad breath. Not having bad breath creates a good impression on you.
Guaranteed Stronger teeth
Plaque build-up leads to infection of the gums. When this gum infection gets advance, the plaques move even more down the tooth and damages the bones that are supporting your jaw. When this bone damage occurs, it will loosen your teeth and makes them fall.
Thus regular dental cleaning greatly reduces the risk of tooth loss.
Saves money in future
A key element of your preventive dental care is getting professional dental cleanings. Most dental programs will include all or a part of your cleanings.
A proper dental cleaning twice a year helps you in preventing from getting treated for many dental problems that may cost higher in the future such as dental fillings or dental implants.
However, the benefits are not just preventing health issues. Proper dental cleaning helps keep your teeth looking white, fresh, and clean.
As the health of the tooth and gum is associated with the health of the heart, regular dental cleaning has a ripple effect to maintain the heart-healthy.