7 natural remedies to stop gum bleeding
Gum bleeding is a common problem and is harmless in most cases. If you notice blood oozing out of your mouth frequently, it might be a sign of gum disease or disorders. Likely, it causes a lot of uneasiness like pain, less appetite, etc. So you should start activities to treat bleeding gums.
In general, bleeding in the gums happens due to vigorous brushing and flossing. Likewise, poor eating habits, plaque build-up are also responsible for this. Besides dental injuries, various medical concerns like pregnancy, hormonal changes also trigger your gums to bleed.
Before going for medications, you can take advantage of certain substances in your home as they hold ample therapeutic properties. They can promote your gum health, ease pain, and stop bleeding. Here are some.
1) Antibacterial Mouthwash
Hydrogen Peroxide is the main ingredient of most mouthwashes available in the market. It is a powerful disinfectant and tends to kill oral bacteria responsible for inflammation in oral tissues. Thus gargling your mouth with a cup of antibacterial mouthwash after brushing helps soothe the irritated & swollen gum tissues, thereby reducing pain and bleeding in gums.
2) Massage your gums with Honey
Honey is enriched with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It means honey is also efficient in fighting against oral infections to reduce inflammation in gums. Apply some honey with your fingertips over the gum surfaces. It would be an effective remedy if your gums bleed due to gingivitis.
Moreover, the active agents in certain types of honey are powerful in breaking down the plaque into pieces.
3) Drink Green Tea
Green Tea – The aromatic beverage prepared from unoxidized leaves is well-known for its therapeutic advantages like improving digestion, healing wounds as well as controlling bleeding. It is because of the natural antioxidant called “Catechin” in green tea. This prevents the body’s inflammatory response to oral bacteria.
Researches also show that regular consumption of green tea is effective to strengthen gum tissues, reduce the depth of periodontal pockets, and gum bleeding.
4) Use clove oil
Clove is a powerful source of many therapeutic compounds that are anti-inflammatory. Due to this, cloves and clove oil are widely used to get rid of many dental concerns like toothache, bleeding gums, etc.
It means chewing 2 or 3 cloves will give you relief from pain caused by inflamed gums. Similarly, applying clove oil over the gum surfaces is also beneficial in reducing swelling and bleeding in gums.
5) Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe Vera is loaded with plenty of healthful plant compounds. They provide short-stemmed plant antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Dentists recommend using aloe vera pulp as an excellent remedy to treat canker sores, fasten healing, reduce dental plaque, etc.
To reduce bleeding in gums, take some aloe vera pulp and massage your gums with them. Remember that consuming liquids that contain aloe vera is powerful to cure mild gum diseases.
6) Apply Ice cubes or Tea Bags
Cold compress and hot compress are the best ways to reduce gum bleeding after teeth extraction.
If you prefer hot compress, soak a tea bag in hot water and place it on the gum for at least 10 minutes. The tannic acid present in tea bags would tighten the blood vessels, causing blood clots to stop bleeding from gums.
If you want cold compress, take some ice cubes and wrap them with gauze. Then apply the cold pack against the gum line gently for a few minutes.
Whatever the type of compress you choose, you should do it about 2 to 3 times at regular intervals throughout the day.
7) Turmeric Paste
Mix a small amount of turmeric powder and mustard oil to prepare a paste. Apply it over your gums for a few minutes and then wash your mouth.
Turmeric is mentioned in Ayurvedic Home Remedies due to its ability in healing infections. Recent researches also show that turmeric holds antibacterial & anti-inflammatory properties thereby this solution would aid you in get rid of bleeding gums.
Bottom line
Bleeding in the gums is normal but it should not happen every day. If you encounter pain and blood coming out from gums frequently, it means you might have underlying dental or bodily disorders. Likewise, it may be a sign of poor oral hygiene which irritates the gum tissues or poor eating habits.
Practicing good oral hygiene is a simple way to protect your gums efficiently. If you have sensitive gums, you will have a high chance of gum bleeding even though you brush and floss gently. In such situations, you should choose the right toothpaste and toothbrush to avoid bleeding in the gums.
Similarly, taking poor nutritious foods and maintaining an unhealthy diet also tend to various oral problems. Foods rich in Vitamins C and K help reduce gum bleeding.
Do you want to know the foods healthy for gums or need tips to choose the right toothbrush for gums? Contact our dental clinic in Dehiwala. We are ready to help.