6 Conditions that propel you to remove a tooth
Extracting a tooth from its dental alveolus or socket is needed at some point for our oral cavity’s well-being. Typically, Oral surgeons perform the tooth removal process whilst general dentists, periodontists, and even Orthodontists also dispose the problematic tooth as a part of their treatment.
Dental extraction is performed after checking the teeth and gums thoroughly to ensure the procedure does not bring any repercussions. Moreover, removing a tooth is easy and it is quite complicated at times, which mandates surgical extractions. Dentists perform the tooth extraction process after injecting general anesthesia to make the patient encounter no pain during the procedure.
No one wants to lose their tooth unless it is beneficial. With this blog post, our dentists list the situations that push one to have a tooth pulling.
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When does a tooth extraction be necessary?
Every dentist wants to preserve the infected teeth. However, a diseased or damaged tooth should be pulled out when it cannot be repaired with fillings or other restorative materials.
1) Tooth is severely damaged
Damaged or Wrecked teeth can be corrected with dental bonding or restorative appliances like dental veneers and crowns. Reconstructing a tooth is likely only to a certain extent, but it is not always possible.
When the damage is too severe, tooth extraction is recommended. Otherwise, the damaged tooth gets severely infected and puts the remaining teeth in danger.
2) Tooth is badly infected
Untreated bacteria build-up (say cavities) in a tooth will lead to dental extraction when the infection reaches deep inside the tooth. Such bad dental infection has been identified with symptoms like intense toothache, discoloration, difficulty in biting and chewing.
Root Canal Therapy (RCT) is the clinical treatment that tends to preserve such deeply decayed teeth.
Otherwise, the infection will cause irreparable damage to the tooth and left you with pulling it out as the only solution.
3) Overcrowded Teeth
A dental extraction is occasionally used as a part of teeth straightening treatments. An Orthodontist recommends tooth extraction when he/she notices whether a tooth blocks the teeth from realigning. In certain cases, tooth pulling is crucial to create enough space for the teeth to move for straightening.
4) Advanced periodontal diseases
The harmful microbes in the sticky substance called plaque that developed over the teeth are responsible for periodontal diseases. As the bacteria get in between the teeth and gums, your gums are likely to get infected.
When the infection in gums reaches its advanced stage, you may need teeth extractions to stop its damaging effects.
5) Baby teeth still exist in adulthood
Baby Teeth (or) Milk Teeth play a crucial role in preserving space for the permanent teeth.
In general, the milk teeth begin to fall out when a child is 6 years old and the child loses all of the baby teeth when he/she is 12 years old. In simply, everyone has 32 permanent teeth while entering the teenage years.
Exceptionally, the milk teeth exist for some people even after they reached adulthood.
If those primary teeth are not extracted on time, it will lead to occlusion problems like irregular spaces between teeth, crowded teeth, and so on.
6) Wisdom Teeth Existence
Teeth that erupt after reaching adulthood are known as “Wisdom Teeth” or “Third Molars”. As they develop after the eruption of all permanent teeth, the third molars cannot get enough space or room in the jaw bone.
It pushes these teeth to erupt partially through the gums or inclined toward the nearby teeth. Moreover, the extra set of molars provoke chronic pain whilst increases the risk of cavities and alignment problems when they become impacted.
So the wisdom teeth need to be removed to avert their detrimental follow-ups.
Bottom line
Keep in mind that you have a multitude of dental treatments to preserve a tooth with infection or trauma. Extraction is needed at times only when a tooth cannot be safeguarded with any preservation treatments.
In contrast, extractions are not necessary if your problematic tooth is treated early. We at Align Dental Care offer solutions like dental implants, dental bridges to refurbish the extracted teeth as well.